6th-8th GRADE

This is not your mother’s confirmation class! Built on best practices of faith formation and spiritual development, Embodied Baptism is a program unique to Gloria Dei which helps young people in 6th-8th grade discover how they uniquely live out their baptismal covenant in the world. In each of the three one-year cycles, young people focus on one aspect of the baptismal covenant (Proclaim Christ in Word and Deed, Care for Others and the World God Made, and Work for Justice and Peace) using the study, service, sabbath discipleship development pattern. Together with a mentor of their choosing, and their parents/guardians, young people identify a meaningful project to work on during the year. Outcomes of the chosen project are supported by studying scripture and the teachings of Martin Luther with pastoral staff, conversations with their mentor and peer group, and thoughtful reflection. Each year culminates with a Celebration Dinner for the whole congregation. You can learn more about Embodied Baptism here.

9th-12th GRADE

High School Ministry (“HSM”)

Students in 9-12 grade are invited to gather once a month on Sunday evening from 6-8 p.m. We'll hang out, play games, sometimes do a small service project, and more! See the calendar pages of the Ministry Catalog for the dates of HSM!


Perhaps one of the best parts about being in middle school is the “cool big kid” influence you now get to have with younger children. Middle and high school students are invited to volunteer in Sunday school classrooms on Sunday mornings during the education hour. Middle school students are welcome to sign-up to be a helper in a classroom no less than three years younger than the grade they are currently in.