We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation

Gathered by grace and recognizing our unity in Christ, we welcome to full participation in our community of faith all who are seeking God’s love and grace. We welcome persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; we welcome all regardless of socioeconomic status or social standing. We commit to racial equity and welcome all regardless of race or ethnicity. We welcome all because Jesus Christ comes to all people in the bread and wine of communion, and He comes to us where we are, not where we think we should be or where someone else thinks we should be. We welcome all because God created and welcomes all. 

Our Mission Statement

Shaped by the grace of God, Gloria Dei’s mission is to be the community of Christ for all people. We the people of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church define our mission based on the following principles:

 • to celebrate salvation by grace through faith

 • to be a welcoming and nurturing community for all

 • to stand for justice and peace 

• to be good stewards of our natural environment 

• to serve and involve the University of Iowa community 

Ministry Focus Areas 

Diversity and Inclusivity

In a world that draws lines and builds walls, we believe we are called to be a community where lines are erased and walls are bridged. Our desire is to keep growing a church where diversity is both celebrated and evident. Some of the areas in which we seek to be more inclusive and diverse include age (with a specific desire to reach more effectively to young adults and children), race, income levels, culture, marital status, and sexual orientation. 

Visibly Inviting and Welcoming 

Many who come to Gloria Dei say they experience such a gracious welcome when they get here. We believe we are called more actively and visibly to extend our invitations and our welcome to those who are not here.

God’s Work Our Hands

We believe we are called to be generous stewards of our time, talents, and resources in order to make a difference for good in the community and in the world. There is much in this area we do already. We believe we are gifted and called to do more. 

God’s Work Our Voice

We believe we are called to grow the ways in which we make known and speak of our God of grace in the world. 

- adopted by Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Fall 2021