Weekly Education Opportunities for Adults

  • Adult Forum

    Sunday mornings at 9:15am. September through May. Join us for intriguing and timely presentations and discussions.

  • Men’s Bible Study

    Meets Tuesdays at 7:45am in the Luther Room.

  • DVD Study

    Tuesday mornings at 10:30am in the Library.

  • Morning Bible Study

    Thursdays at 10:30am in the Luther Room.

Sunday Adult Forum Schedule:

Adult Forum classes are on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. from mid-September to mid-May. Join us as we examine our faith, widen our spirituality, and become better citizens of the world.

September 8

ELCA Prepared to Vote Checklist and Voter Registration Event with Johnson County Elections Board

September 15

No Forum
Please join us in the Narthex for the Pie Sale!

September 22

No Forum
Council/Call Committee Listening Post

November 10

Advent Book Study:
Christmas from the Backside

November 17

No Forum
Stewardship Sunday Pancake Breakfast

November 3

Advent Book Study:
Christmas from the Backside

December 1

Advent Book Study:
Christmas from the Backside

December 22

Advent Book Study:
Christmas from the Backside

December 8

No Forum
Council Listening Post

December 29

No Forum

January 12

Advent Book Study:
Christmas from the Backside

November 24

Advent Book Study:
Christmas from the Backside

December 15

No Forum
Congregational Meeting & Vote

January 5

Advent Book Study:
Christmas from the Backside