Love God.

Love others.

Yep. It is really that simple. At Gloria Dei, we make it simple for your children to learn to love God, and to share that love with all people. Through participation in worship, education, service and reflection, children grow in love toward God and others, and experience love from a community which surrounds them as they explore their own faith, from birth through adulthood. 

Discover how Gloria Dei supports families by reading below!

For a comprehensive overview of all of our Family Ministry programs, download our 2023-2024 Ministry Catalog!


We value families worshiping together, and we expect worship to be noisy. Noise is life! To support families in worship, we offer the following:

  • Worship Supplies: On your way into worship, stop by the wooden shelves to pick up a Worship Buddy, a couple of fidgets, crayons, and a Children's Bulletin.

  • Children’s Chat: Follow the Children’s Chat leader just before the Scripture readings to hear the message for the day in a fun, age-appropriate way. You’ll go back to your seat in worship during the song after the sermon.

  • Communion: Everyone is invited to the communion table - no ifs, ands, or buts. Follow the direction of the ushers, and note that there is juice available for anyone not wanting wine.

  • Quiet Spaces: We get it, sometimes we all just need a break. Families are free to use the library area just across from the worship space if a break is needed (equipped with sound and large windows into the worship space for grown-ups, there are also books and a few toys to provide some distraction), OR head downstairs to the Nursery* for more of a break. The Nursery can be found in the south-west corner of the lower level. From the worship space, use the small staircase nearest the library (to your LEFT), proceed to the lower level, turn left, and the Nursery can be accessed via the first two doors on your left. *Please note that at this time our Nursery is not staffed. Parents/Guardians will need to remain with children in the Nursery.

We understand how it can feel like a struggle to bring your children into worship but trust us - they belong there! When children participate in worship, they...

  • learn worship by worshiping with the congregation Sunday after Sunday. They learn they belong to Christ and are welcome in God’s family - the church;

  • learn to know the Lord’s Prayer and other parts of the liturgy;

  • build memorable, shared experiences of Christian community from which they may draw when they are older;

  • are enriched by the beauty of music and art as expressions of praise and as human responses to God;

  • hear stories from the Bible read and interpreted, and begin to see Christian worship as one place where God may speak to them;

  • witness the drama of Baptism and Holy Communion as signs of God’s grace and love toward us;

  • discover that they are valued as persons by God and by the people of God at church.


It is our pleasure and our joy to welcome all God's children into the family of faith through baptism. At Gloria Dei, we offer baptism at any age. Baptism celebrations are typically preceded by a meeting with one of the pastors about one week prior. At the meeting, you’ll learn about the significance and symbolism of baptism in the ELCA; you’ll have the opportunity to hear about the many resources we’ll send home with you as you begin to raise your child's faith. 

For more information on baptism, please contact the church office: 319-338-2893 or use the link below.

Ready to take the next step? Email us to let us know if you’re interested in Baptism or want more information.


Education hour is 9:15-10:15am Children should be checked into their classroom by their grown-ups at 9:15, and checked out at the same classroom at 10:15. All Preschool through 5th grade classrooms are on the upper level and can be accessed by either stairwell.

Preschool through 3rd-grade classes use Sparkhouse’s Spark curriculum, coupled with regular service projects and reflection, like: labyrinth walking, mandala coloring, Praying in Color, spiritual journal keeping, or other activities that help us reflect on what we’ve learned about God, and how our faith is growing.

For Fourth and Fifth graders, the Connect curriculum takes them on a two-year journey through the Old Testament and into the New, exploring the connections between the stories. Tweens are encouraged to think about the stories they are hearing and ask questions about their developing faith. Connect kids also participate in service and reflection activities.

Ready to take the next step? Register your child/ren for Children’s programs.